Her stories are capturing, poetic songs, driven by her banjo- and guitar play.
Magical moments full of sensibility and still powerful and expressional presented.
The musician ADAYA tells us about the other side of mankind, the hidden treasures of every living being,
of bright and dark periods in life.
As a solo artist she travels around the world and fully devoted, writes her own episodes with passion.
Intense moments, in which ADAYA’s crowd can be part of.
Moments when she does it again and again, bringing them to complete silence, listening under her spell.
Ihre Geschichten sind packende, poetische Songs, getrieben von ihrem Banjo- und Gitarrenspiel, magische Momente voller Feingefühl und gleichwohl wuchtig und mit Ausdruck präsentiert. Die Musikerin ADAYA erzählt von der anderen Seite des Menschen, die verborgenen Schätze jedes Wesens, von den dunklen wie auch hellen Kapiteln. Als Solo-Künstlerin bereist sie die Welt, schreibt ihre eigenen Episoden voller Hingabe und Leidenschaft. Intensive Momente, an denen ADAYA das Publikum teilhaben lässt. Momente, in denen sie es immer wieder schafft, dieses ganz und still lauschend in ihren Bann zu ziehen.
Adaya was raised with a multicultural background.
Her grandmother was the famous English herbalist, and author Juliette de Baïracli Levy.
Her mother comes from a Spanish, Egyptian, Turkish and Jewish background, her father is German and with them, Adaya grew up in a small house, in the deep in the forests of Switzerland.
After all, she defined her career already as a child.
At the age of 11, Adaya wrote one of her first songs; a poem by her grandmother, which she set to music played at Juliette’s deathbed (Gypsy Line from her most recent album New Land). Later on, Adaya was collaborating with several medieval music projects and her musical skills grew by playing the harp, bagpipes, flutes, bouzouki, next to the guitar, banjo and a few more stringed instruments.
Other Projects in which Adaya is involved in: FAUN
Former Projects; KEL AMRUN, AYWA
„In a very early stage it was clear to me; music will be the main focus of my life. Ever since I worked hard to make progress; with streetmusic, traveling, learning about different instruments and musical cultures... and the journey goes on and on; I don’t see any end to the big process of learning about music and life. With my songs i try to mirror my experiences and inspire people to take a big step; towards them selves.”
In Process…
Theo was born in Bern by 1980. As a 8-year old he discovered the guitar and soon after he played in several bands.
2013 he finished his studies at the university for arts and music in Bern. 2015 he completed the master-study of music pedagogy at the HKB. He found his passion in Jazz Manouche and finds his contacts in international music scenes. Several times the year he goes to Paris, the home of Gypsy Jazz, for concerts, music sessions and inspirations. Next to jazz, Rock, Blues and Pop he also finds himself playing classical Guitar. Since 2013 he works at the musical school im Wohlen.
In Adaya's Band he is the multifunktional Bassist and accompanies the group since February, 2020.
"Everything is vibration. I love building the bridge between rhythm and harmony. And there‘s so much space down there. Ich liebe es, fremde Rosetten zum flattern zu bringen."
Foto's by Manuel Vargas Lépiz