Direct contact

Adaya Lancha Bairacli




Booking Switzerland

Marco Schneider




Anything to Say? Leave a message  🤍

Comments: 12
  • #12

    Dominique JONGBLOED (Sunday, 17 December 2023 11:50)

    Bonjour Adaya,

    Je voudrais te faire une proposition de composition de musique païenne pour une de mes productions ...

    Est-il possible de correspondre pour que je te présente mon projet ?

    Email :

    Bien cordialement

  • #11

    Verein gLuscht World (Sunday, 23 July 2023 12:25)


    From 9 to 12 May we will be holding the 11th gLuscht (ufs Läbe) in CH-Zug on the lakeside promenade. Furthermore, in 2024, for the first time after 2021, the gLuscht is planned in Lucerne in October. The event consists of Gluscht (food, drink) and Luscht (street art, light, music, lake, children's programme, relaxing by the lake).

    Every year we like to invite street artists who entertain the guests and perform "on hat". The event takes place on Thursday and Friday evenings and on Saturday and Sunday (Mother's Day) all day. Every year, a total of 10,000 visitors come to

    We would be delighted to have you with us as a street artist in 2024 and send you our best wishes.

    gLuscht greetings

    gLuscht World Association
    Grünring 11
    6300 Zug
    078 755 30 44

  • #10

    Thomas (Sunday, 28 May 2023 20:25)

    Thank you Adaya for sharing yourself with the world. I at least have a great appreciation for your talent and energy.
    Always be well.

  • #9

    Adrian Cooper (Thursday, 12 January 2023 13:10)

    Hi Adaya

    Hope all is well. I wrote to you a couple of days ago but not sure if it's getting through or whether you have changed email addresses. It's been a while since we were in touch! We are going to publish Juliette's book soon, and I would still love to see if you have photos that could be weaved into the book in places.

    Let's speak!

    Take care and warm wishes


  • #8

    Amelia Lefler (Saturday, 22 October 2022 14:49)

    Adaya I love the way you play the harp. You have the hand of a sorceress for it sounds so magical...
    I wanted to know if you would recommend any harp shop or brand, or even a second-hand store of harps.
    I would appreciate it so much.

    Best regards,

  • #7

    Helena Wenger (Friday, 18 March 2022 17:02)

    Liebe Adaya
    In der Schule haben wir gerade Projektwoche und ich mache mein Projekt über Strassenkünstler. Nun, bist du ja eine der bekanntesten Küstlerinnen der Schweiz und ich bitte dich mit dieser Nachricht um eien Interview.
    Bitte melde dich doch bei
    Freundliche Grüsse Helena Wenger

  • #6

    Rade (Friday, 23 April 2021 18:19)

    Ich habe deine Musik über den YouTube Channel Elif'in Hecesi entdeckt und war fasziniert. Hoffentlich werde ich bald die Gelegenheit bekommen dich auch live zu sehen. Liebe Grüsse aus St. Gallen

  • #5

    Flückiger Ernst (Thursday, 20 February 2020 16:15)

    Ich habe am 18. Februar 2 Billette bestellt für am Samstag, 22. Februar in der Spinnerei Felsenau.
    Ich möchte von Ihnen wissen ob das klappt, oder wo ich die Billette beziehen kann.

    Besten Dank für ihre baldige Nachricht

    Ernst Flückiger

  • #4

    Viz (Tuesday, 18 February 2020 14:59)

    Thanks for Your Music!

  • #3

    Don Bellairs (Tuesday, 26 November 2019 09:00)

    "To affect the quality of the day--that is the highest of the arts." H.D. Thoreau

    Adaya as a person is a complete human being--sophisticated and erudite, yet humble and unassuming. As an artist, she is a healer, transformative and uplifting. As a writer, she is unique. Her experiences and her insight have given birth to a catalogue of inspirational and thought-provoking songs. As a performer, she is a delight to watch...her nimble, unobtrusive choreography is barely noticeable. She is a stunning woman who tells every story artfully. Each song ends with a polite curtsy--which speaks the greatest truth about this artist: She respects her audience.

  • #2

    Heino Obenhaus a.k.a. Wailin' Heino (Friday, 20 September 2019 12:28)

    Hello Adaya and band,
    I honestly dig your music. In particular I love your song"No countries".
    Hereby I want you to know that I posted a cover of your poignant song
    Please let me know if you give approval. I'd love to hear your opinion. I arranged it for guitar in Open D minor tuning .
    Peace &Blessings
    Wailin' Heino

  • #1

    Carissa (Friday, 29 March 2019 09:20)

    In a moment of randomness, I decided to google an old childhood friend, Adaya, and I'm so glad I did. I am left in absolute awe of her and her music. She is so amazingly talented.